Bikes and ‘burbs Ride – August 7, 2023
Ride Details:
Monday, August 7, 2023m, starting at 6pm from the parking lot behind Druthers at Mohawk Harbor. Rain cancels.
All are welcome, you don’t need to be a Cycle Schenectady member to participate. Bring a helmet and come ride with us.
This is a casual pace, around 10 mph, and will include stops along the way.
Every other week over the summer Cycle Schenectady holds a bike ride exploring different parts of the city and county. This will take us from the city to Niskayuna and back, primarily using the bike path (Mohawk-Hudson bike-hike trail).
We’ll explore the new Rivers Ledge apartment complex, as well as the remnants of the trolley bridge and aqueduct that used to bring amusement park-goes and canal travelers over the Mohawk River.